Why I'm Running
As a former University Vice Chancellor, School Board President, and concerned father,
I’m running to bring a parents’ voice to the Orange County Board of Education (OCBE).
We need to reverse its reckless partisan agenda that harms our students and schools.
The incumbent has abandoned the focus on our most vulnerable students by squandering millions of our taxpayer dollars on lawsuits and lawyers, funding that should have been spent in the classrooms! The incumbent presides over out-of-control meetings, inserts dangerous politics into our schools, and consistently shuts out the concerns of parents and teachers. These actions destroy public education.
You can count on me, as your OCBE trustee, to include diverse perspectives to put our students first.
David has successfully:
Created safer schools
Ensured parents voice and choice in schools
Reduced class sizes
Restored responsible board oversight
Equipped students for college and vocational careers
About David
As the Board of Education President for his district, David has led initiatives and oversight that transformed Westminster schools to a premier district in OC. He led the hiring of an award-winning superintendent, kept children safe by hiring more school site safety staff, and has balanced the district budget with millions in surplus to expand student services, after school enrichment programs, and academic interventions.
Locally, David has served as a volunteer in numerous capacities, dedicating his life to helping children and the community, including as a member of the Westminster Homeless Task Force, as a City Commissioner, school crossing guard, as well as a boys and girls baseball coach, scout leader, PTA volunteer, and Sunday School Teacher.
Professionally, David is a management consultant and founder of an international consulting firm that advises universities, non-profits, and corporations to implement effective improvements.
David has two children who attend local public schools and his wife is a classroom teacher. He earned his Masters of International Business degree from Pepperdine University.
Endorsements and Support
20,000+ teachers in Orange County
- including your local teachers in Westminster, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Stanton, La Palma, La Habra, Buena Park, Midway, Anaheim, Santa Ana
California Teachers Association (CTA)
California School Employees Association (CSEA)
Women for American Values and Ethics (WAVE)
Vietnamese American Democratic Club (VADC)
Vietnamese American Voters Foundation (VAVF)
Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC)
Orange County Labor Federation (OCLF)
Westminster Police Officers Association PAC (WPOA)
Carpenters Union
Teamsters Union
Planned Parenthood
Orange County Youth Democrats (OCYD)
CA Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tony Thurmond
US Congress Member Katie Porter
CA Senator Josh Newman (Chairperson, Education Committee)
CA Senator Dave Min
OC Board of Education, former Trustee Dr. Liz Dorn Parker
OC Board of Education, former Trustee Dr. Long Pham
OC Board of Education, former Trustee Dr. Rebecca (Beckie) Gomez
La Habra Mayor Daren Nigsarian
dozens of OC school board district Trustees
dozens of OC city council members
District 4
Westminster, Midway, Stanton, Buena Park, La Habra, La Palma, most areas of Garden Grove and Fullerton, small portions of Anaheim and Santa Ana.